5 Life Skills Your Kids Can Learn From Doing Household Chores


There really is more than just one good reason to get your kids to help you out with the household chores. The truth is, it’s more than just getting things done. Getting your kids to do some household chores is not just good for you, but for them as well.

Sometimes, you hesitate to have your kids do something around the house. Because of that, you end up doing everything. There are also times when you just want to get it over and done with so you end up doing it yourself. Somehow you just feel like they’re not up for it. But apparently, that shouldn’t be the case.

First of all, you have to trust your kids. Instead of doing it all by yourself to get it over with, trust that your kids can the job as well. Second, you shouldn’t hesitate. Assign them age-appropriate chores. This way, they will develop a sense of responsibility and accountability at a very young age.

Your kids will gradually learn life skills that can help them through hard times, as they get older.

Here are 5 valuable life skills your kids can learn from doing household chores.

1. How To Take Care Of Themselves When They’re Older. They have the capacity to learn a wide range of skills, but adults need to take time to teach them—with patience. It’s important that children learn skills associated with daily living.

2. Improved Self-Esteem And Accountability. Doing kid-appropriate chores can give your children a great sense of self-esteem. This doesn’t happen automatically, though. The process needs to be carefully managed and requires parents to be consistent in setting their expectations and in holding their child accountable.

3. The Importance Of Being Responsible. Learning to “be responsible ” is a process that comes with having experience of taking responsibility. Learning to be responsible for things and to take the credit when successful—and to understand the consequences when they aren’t—is an incredibly important part of maturing.

4. That They Have A Lot To Contribute In The World. Helping around the house and making a contribution is a great way of teaching children that they have a valuable contribution to make to the family.

5. There Are Consequences (And Rewards) That Come With Their Choices. Getting your children involved in doing chores is an ideal way of teaching your child the principle that everything we do in life is a choice. Everything we do and say, the way in which we do it, the timing and the approach is a choice. Even not choosing is a choice. Every choice we make has consequences.

So if you’re reluctant about assigning some household chores to your kids, don’t be. Aside from the fact that you can more things done, you can actually train them to become better people. Of course, you just need to be very patient.

It won’t be easy at the start. There can be some resistance and a bit of a learning curve. After all, they’re kids. But you just have to trust them. It’s all worth it in the long run.

If you want to know more about teaching your kids life skills, you can read the full article here. You’ll even find a list of age-appropriate chores for your kids in the article. It’s definitely worth a look.

Are you excited to assign some household chores to your kids now?