10 Funny But Oh-So-Real Thoughts That Run Through Every Mom’s Mind When School Ends


It’s the day that you’ve been dreaming of and it’s finally here. After counting down the days, the last day of school is finally here. You’re just so excited and at the same time, relieved.

You don’t have to deal with homework. And yes, you don’t have to wake up early.

The last of day of school is what every mom looks forward to. It truly signifies the official onset of summer. After all, vacation time is really all you ever wanted, right? Wrong!
While you can’t help but feel very excited on the last day of school, you know well enough that it’s a temporary feeling. Soon as your kids get home, reality sets in.

After relishing the last day of school, you now get into a panic mode. You’re thinking, “OMG! What am I going to do now?” Suddenly, you unleash all kinds of crazy thoughts. But don’t worry. You’re not the only mom that does this.

As a matter of fact, one mom has actually listed down 10 thoughts that run through her mind on the last day of school.

Here are the 10 competing thoughts that run through a mom’s mind on the last day of school.

1. We never have to leave the house if we don’t want to!

2. On the other hand … we never have to leave the house if we don’t want to.

3. Swimsuits count as “getting them dressed,” right?

4. Oh, crap, sunscreen. Every day.

5. Later, homework! It’s time for the school of Netflix.

6. And, so long, bath time! We’re going to the pool three times a week!

7. There is no downside to the chlorine clean.

8. And just think: I don’t have to make a single ham and cheese sandwich with the crusts cut off for 12 whole weeks!

9. Wait a second … 12 weeks?! That’s three months … Eighty-four days. I’m not even going to do the math on how many hours that is because I don’t have time for a panic attack right now.

10. We’re definitely going to need some ice cream to get through this.

You’re probably getting the same thoughts right now as well. And while # 8 can really make you happy, #9 can really freak you out. 12 weeks? That’s a long time to have the kids around 24/7. It’s time to call the babysitter.

If you want to know more about these competing thoughts, you can check out the article by Meredith Bland on thestir.cafemom.com. She surely was able to put down to words the thoughts that run through a mom’s head on the last day of school.

So which of these thoughts are running through your head right now?